
Why the price of stainless steel cut wire shot will be relatively high?

 In the prices of stainless steel cut wire shot continued to decline today,the price of stainless steel cut wire shot is rising in steel grit, stainless steel shot obviously body is rather special, its price is high, is also a reason, after all he is fine in quality. The processing technology of stainless steel cut wire shot and steel wire cutting process of Stainless Steel 304 Cut Wire Shot is basically the same, but the ability of texture pill Relatively hard, cutting machine requirements are very high, and the tool wear is very fast, very large amount of cutting tool, cutting tool of stainless steel cut wire shot is very expensive, the cost is increased, the natural price is rising.
  The second reason is the low yield, because the tool wear stainless steel cut wire shot quickly, often change, led directly to stainless steel and low yield, which is one of the reasons why the high price of stainless steel cut wire shot.
  There is an important reason. Although steel prices decline, but non-ferrous metal stainless steel prices did not drop a lot, that is to say, the price of raw materials of stainless steel cut wire shot is still very high, which is caused by another important factor for the high price of stainless steel cut wire shot.

