
Market analysis of oil pipe

 This week, the decline of oil pipe remained unchanged. It is understood that in recent years, the domestic foundry industry has been depressed, resulting in the dim demand for oil pipe, and the price has been falling. Faced with the low price of cast pig iron, the merchants are mainly wait-and-see, there is no plan to stock up for the time being. In view of the current situation, it is expected that the price of late cast pig iron will continue to decline. Beijing building materials market demand weakened, large shipment in 300-2300 tons.
  At present, oil pipe will face the steel mill settlement price, the market rising power is insufficient, the market merchant operation is cautious, the downward range is small, the short-term market will consolidate mainly. Steel traders lack confidence in the future market. It is learned from the market that with the increase of the steel mill's shipment volume and the continuous increase of the market quantity of various specifications, the shortage of goods and the shortage of goods have been improved before. The steel traders are actively shipping in order to reduce the inventory, and they are not optimistic about the future market.
  From the specific situation, although steel traders have actively reduced the price in order to ship, but the downstream terminal site procurement psychology is not strong, most of them are on-demand procurement, and the market transaction volume is reduced. The price of oil pipe is not stable. In order to improve the income, steel traders have to reduce the price to stimulate demand, but the effect is not ideal.
  On the whole, the current market demand is insufficient to follow up. To sum up, oil pipe is expected that the domestic medium and heavy plate market prices will continue the weak consolidation pattern in the short term. Affected by the high level of inventory and poor shipment, the iron mills which shut down the furnace and reduced production in the early stage still have no plan to start operation in the near future. The shipment is mainly to digest the inventory in the early stage, and the future market is not very optimistic. Some iron mills said that the current transaction price is close to the bottom, and there is little profit space left. Some iron mills have increased the margin of preference.

