
Manufacturing technology of stainless steel cut wire shot

Selection of Metal Material: stainless steel cut wire shot are made of stainless steel, of course, but there are two ways to prepare stainless steel:
  The first is to use metal or alloy raw materials for preparation, because metal or alloy raw materials are usually purchased at a lower limit, so the cost of stainless steel cut wire shot made from purchased raw materials is relatively high.
  The second is to select the waste of stainless steel for the production of stainless steel cut wire shot. Stainless steel scraps are found everywhere, with little problem and much lower cost than the raw materials prepared by the first method. In fact, Stainless Steel Cut Wire Shot From Reaguan are used to produce stainless steel metal powder. The profit of the manufacturer is the difference between the first method and the second method of raw materials and the value-added of products. If there is no difference in the price of raw materials, there will not be much profit only depending on the value-added of products.

