
 ANSI Ss304Stainless Steel Threaded Flanges

 ANSI Ss304Stainless Steel Threaded Flanges   ANSI Ss304Stainless Steel Threaded Flanges is an external or internal ridge, for strength, as the flange of an iron beam such as an I-beam or aT-beam; or for attachment to another object, as the flange on the end of a pipe, steam cylinder, etc., or on the lens mountof a camera; or for a flange of a rail car or tram wheel. Thus flanged wheels are wheels with a flange on one side to keep the wheels from running off the rails. The term "flange" is also used for a kind of tool used to form flanges. Pipes with flanges can be assembled and disassembled easily. - See more at: http://www.strstainless.com/product/StainlessSteelflange/271.html#sthash.S6EcMdt7.dpuf

